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Art for cash - open air -Karry Escort

Art for cash - open air

Art for cash – outdoors  :

“Art for cash” is essentially the Muppet Show, just with individuals rather than pigs, frogs, canines and bears. 

About this occasion  :

The evening will occur under the flow Corona cleanliness measures with a lower seating limit. 

Significant: Please register online with your information ahead of time. You get a free ticket and you pay for a section in the evening in the cinematic world. Here is some significant INFO about the Corona rules with us. so here in this spot you should find your dreamy girl from karry escort Dusseldorf.

– NEGATIVE QUICK TEST (greatest 48h old) or confirmation of FULL VACCINATION or FULL RECEIVING is required 

– CONTACT TRACKING by means of ticket enlistment 

– MASKING MANDATORY in the inside (bar and latrine) 

– ESSEN can be brought or requested 

– Free seats 

“Art for cash” is fundamentally the Muppet Show, just with individuals rather than pigs, frogs, canines and bears. All as indicated by the aphorism of Uncle Kermit: “Take what you have and fly with it!” With “Craftsmanship against Bares” Gerd Buurmann set up a week by week open stage show in Cologne on January 1, 2007 with direct crowd support and on that date new Karry Escort model Emily also visit and she offer limited time sex with an exculsive rates to the few of some people through karry escort. . Each craftsman, so the thought, gets a stash into which the crowd tosses cash after the presentation. The evaluation bases are only the taste and capacity of the individual watchers. By the way, “workmanship for cash”, despite the fact that it depends on direct installment by people in general, has not declined into a level diversion machine. Unexpectedly: the cumbersome and precise is additionally excitedly appreciated and compensated. The crowd is superior to its standing! 

The seven guidelines for “Art for cash”: 

1. Onlookers and craftsmen come the same way and sit together in the crowd. 

2. The specialists are brought onto the stage by the arbitrator from the crowd. 

3. The show time should be similarly restricted for all specialists. 

4 .Every craftsman gets a stash after the show. 

5. The crowd is approached to respect the craftsmanship they experience by embeddings cash into the particular stashes.

 6. 100% of the cash in the stashes goes to the craftsmen. 

7. The craftsman with the most cash is picked as the “industrialist pig of the evening”. 

“Workmanship for cash” is currently at home all over Germany. Standard occasions happen in Bonn, Leverkusen, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Trier, Lübeck, Halle and Hamburg, however there is as of now a branch in Palma, Spain and in dusseldorf.

Affirmation: 7 euros (2 euros of which are returned as chips with the goal that they can be placed in the stash for the craftsmen) 

Entry: 7:00 p.m. 

Start: 8:00 p.m. 

DATES: every Wednesday outdoors from 30.06. until 09/01/2021

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